Exploring the Italian Renaissance
The Italian Renaissance was a time when people were rediscovering the art and ideas of classical antiquity and looking at the natural world with heightened curiosity, exploring everything in new ways.
The discoveries of the Renaissance are with us to this day: single-point perspective, precise knowledge of human anatomy, and a better understanding of our place in the cosmos.

But is it possible to overestimate the contributions of artists and thinkers of the Renaissance?
It’s a matter of perspective
For instance, when you’re in Florence, Italy the Renaissance seems huge, but it can seem less important from a distance.

And yet it’s undeniable that we’re fascinated with everything about the Italian Renaissance.

Historical context is crucial

If we want to understand the Italian Renaissance though, we have to get close up.
While admiring great paintings and sculptures, it is important to consider not only the artists and patrons of those works of art, but the lives of everyday men and women represented in them.

In all my work as a historian, I endeavor to provide a sense of perspective and context to help bring the Italian Renaissance to life. This website contains images, primary sources, and links with information about Renaissance Italy that supplement material in my books and lectures. I hope you will find it thought-provoking and useful.