About Lisa Kaborycha

A native of New York City, Lisa Kaborycha grew up in California, but her passion for history, especially the cultural and social history of the Italian Renaissance, led her to Florence. Previously she taught history for seven years at the University of California, Berkeley before accepting a research position with the Medici Archive Project in Florence.
Archival research is a major part of her activity, involving many hours of work studying documents at the Florentine State Archive. Trained in Renaissance paleography (the reading of mercantesca handwriting in 15th-century Florentine manuscripts), Kaborycha is at work on an extensive survey of Quattrocento zibaldoni, but she is equally passionate about teaching.

Lisa Kaborycha teaches courses for US study abroad programs in Tuscany. She enjoys taking students onsite to experience the world of Renaissance Florence in the churches, convents, palazzi, and countryside where it all happened. She also teaches for the History of Art Department at the British Institute in Florence, delivering lectures on the art, culture, and politics of the Italian Renaissance.
When not studying or teaching, she enjoys exploring Florence and beyond, taking long walks in the Tuscan countryside.