A selected list of Lisa Kaborycha‘s lectures
Lisa Kaborycha is available to deliver lectures in Florence, Europe, the UK, and beyond.
Art and Society in Renaissance Italy
“ ‘What’s Love Got to do with it?’ Art, Dowries, Death, and Taxes in Quattrocento Florence”
“Courtiers and Courtesans: Painting, Literature, and Prostitution in Renaissance Venice”
“The Art of Marriage in the Renaissance”
“Mad, Melancholy, and Terrible: The Artist During the High Renaissance”
“Dugento Florence: Rise of the Commune”
“Florentine government and society from the Black Death to the Ciompi Rebellion”
“Rites of Spring: The Easter Season in the Art of Medieval and Renaissance Florence”
“From Money Changing to Magnificence: The Rise of the Medici in the 15th Century”
“Renaissance Stagecraft in the Age of the Medici”
“Grand Tourists in Florence”
Renaissance Women
“Nature’s Secretaries: Renaissance Women and the Art of Writing Artless Letters”
“Medici ‘Matronage’ from Lucrezia Tornabuoni to Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici”
“The Role of Women in Quattrocento Arts and Literature”
“Stigmatics, Anchorites, Wives, and Martyrs: Holy Women in Italian Renaissance Art”
Dante and Machiavelli
“Masculinity in the Works of Dante”
” ‘His Object All Sublime’: Poetic Justice in Dante’s Inferno“
“Visions of Hell: Images of the Inferno from Dante to Dan Brown ”
“The Epicurean Machiavelli: Food, Sex, and the Appetite for Power in Renaissance Italy”
“Machiavelli and His Friends in Their Private Correspondence”
Italian Renaissance Courts
“The Este Dynasty of Ferrara: A Feudal Family Between Legend and Reality”
“The Gonzaga of Mantua: Grandeur and Political Grit”
“The Montefeltro of Urbino: Learning, the Arts, and the Art of War”
“Crisis at Court: The Italian Wars”
“Italians and Italian Art at the Tudor and Stuart Courts”
Individual Artists
“Botticelli: From The Birth of Venus to the Bonfire of the Vanities”
“Leonardo da Vinci, the Youthful Genius From Vinci”
” ‘In Painting I Can Hold Myself Against Anyone’: Leonardo’s Mature Years”
“Luca della Robbia: Arte Nuova, Utile e Bellissima“
“Leon Battista Alberti: Anatomy of a Renaissance Polymath”
“The Real and the Ethereal in the Madonnas of Fra Angelico and Fra Filippo Lippi”
“Filippo Brunelleschi: Genius, Ingenuity, and Engineering”
“The ‘Strangeness and Fanciful New Maniera‘ of Jacopo Pontormo”
“Apotheosis of la maniera: the Art of Giorgio Vasari, Agnolo Bronzino, and Alessandro Allori”
British Institute of Florence History of Art programmes